064_#1 My Beta Readers Talk About My New Book — Baptized By Love: How I Found Present Joy and Never Let It Go
Keri Maughan — the overarching theme of redemption, underpinnings of reconciliation and redemption with the other characters; mother, father, children. Each character has their own redemption story. The tapestry of life is being rewoven. You systematically show us how to recognized truth. The truth within ourself — how you feel inside speaks to you about your truth.
More than a one-time read —It’s a formula for personal integrity. “Pure Love leans us toward integrity.” Show up for yourself, then you can show up for others.
Speaks to the raw ugliness of life all of living life in its depth and surrender coming into hope and reconciliation with the Divine. There is a formula to come to yourself and be whole again.
The thematic is one of love and acceptance. Of redemption and reconciliation and transformation for every character.
The letter to the Divine, the honesty and surrender and willingness to be made new.
Recognition of Divine Love and letting love in. The relationship with your children — accepting their anger.
Debunking the lies of childhood and self deception, accept and forgive and heal.
Cynthia Holman-Schmidt — the Raw honesty throughout. The miracle of forgiveness and healing with Dad. The bond through A Course in Miracles. The truth is the truth and come from many sources.
The commitment to the morning date with God. The yummy-stat guide, yummy is feeling aligned.
The equitable transformation of both parties in relationships. Accepting that everyone is just doing the best they can.
Emma Dugal — They heroine’s journey — transformation and alchemy — it’s the journey from shame to love. I makes one feel like if she can do it, so can I.
The relationship with Betty, the breaking down false beliefs and allowing understanding and love.
Doesn’t mean you rollover, but to stand up and have your voice when its necessary. And claim your power.
The crux of it is the reconciliation with God. Healing the shame — You’ve woven this tapestry of this story of your perception
Shar Pittman — you’re my Betty and following your path has led me to redemption and permission to be myself and love it. Reconcile what we do when our child is harmed
The book is like a guide. How you see each person as a savior. Love is the answer.
This is a book for the recovery community.
You show us how ‘if I’m not the problem, there is no solution.’ You show how your perception is everything. Take ownership, and use the tools to change perception. Aligning with love — And choosing to see things through love.
Also the them of “Everything goes my way.” No matter what’s happening — it’s trust in Life.
This book will be a study of transformation for others.
It is an invitation for others to find their own connection to the Divine — it’s a non-threatening permission to ask for help and accept it.